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best wellness training at CoreFit Training Studio


CoreFit Wellness
Location Team

CoreFit is excited to announce our partnership with Just Be Healing. Their team members have been leading classes and workshops this past year at the Studio, so it only made sense to create our very own in-house healing room.

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Meet Our Practitioners

Specialities are found on their “Book Now” buttons.

CoreFit healer Shelby

My journey in Holistic Well-being began while receiving a degree in Psychology with a focus in eating disorders and addictions. I have always found a deep space of inner wellness when using mind-body techniques. Along my path, I have developed a gift of creating space for your body and soul to speak together. Most clients describe this experience as deeply peaceful, and some experience profound spiritual awakenings and new movement of energy throughout their body. I’m honored to share the secrets to long-lasting well-being with anyone and everyone.

Most of my services involve sharing a unique spiritual perspective, which has been the turning point for many of clients into a state of well-being.

My favorite services involve trauma coaching or training the intuition. I love seeing my client’s faces when I tell them they can learn mediumship, clairvoyance, how to read the Akashic records, and so SO much more! Additional techniques that I can offer during Energy Healing sessions include: cord cuttings, soul retrievals, spirit attachment removals, tarot and oracle card readings, crystal education, channeling, Archangel healings, and some clearings. (If there’s something not listed here or in our service menu, please ask!)


Book with Shelby
  • Yin Yoga with Reiki
  • Ionic Foot Detox Events
CoreFit healer Erica

Erica’s mission is to help spiritual seekers to discern and learn how to work with spirit, to promote healing on all planes of existence, and to assist with the Ascension process.

Erica is trained in Spiritism (an advanced form of Mediumship inspired by the teachings of Allan Kardec). She is gifted at discernment, which allows her, with the assistance of high vibrational Spirits, to effortlessly navigate the low, dense energies you may unknowingly be holding onto. These lower energies can contribute to physical conditions, emotional imbalance, and lack of clarity.

During her Mesa Blanca Ceremonies, she will help you to release these low energies through spiritual extraction, cord cuttings, karmic healing, soul retrieval, and more.

If you are curious about how to navigate lower energies within yourself, your home, or others, then Erica may be a good fit for you!


Book with Erica
  • Mesa Blanca Ceremony
  • Reiki
  • Shaman
  • Medium
CoreFit healer Sarah

Sarah is an Usui/Holy Fire® III/World Peace Reiki Ryoho Master and an ICRT (International Center for Reiki Training) Animal Reiki Master.

She is passionate about sharing Reiki with people and animals to assist them in feeling the peace, clarity, comfort, and joy that Reiki brings through its healing energies. Sarah enjoys guiding clients on meditations that support a deeper connection to the healing energies and recommending books and self-care practices that have helped her along her journey of becoming increasingly aware of and in-tune with her healing abilities. We all have the ability to move our own energy and direct the course of our lives and Reiki is a tool to help us connect to these skills. Sarah is honored to share Reiki with you and support you exactly where you are, right now.


Book with Sarah
  • Myofascial Release Events


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