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rising teen athletes at CoreFit Training Studio


Teen Program

Our expert coaches help build strong, resilient teenagers through our group classes.

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Benefits of our

Teen fitness program

Our goal is to help teens develop a love for health and fitness that lasts into adulthood. Studies show that exposing adolescents to fitness can build strong bones and muscles, manage weight, reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, and reduce the risk of developing health conditions.

teen lifting weights at CoreFit Training Studio
Physical Strength & Resilience

We teach proper movement patterns, making teenagers less susceptible to injury in sports and in life. Our programs also help build strong bones and contribute to proper cognitive development into adulthood.

mental well being training for teens at CoreFit Training Studio
Mental well-being

Teenagers in our fitness programs develop self accountability, confidence, and discipline. This tranCoreFit Training Studios powerfully to both academic and career success, and makes them less vulnerable to anxiety and depression as they face life’s challenges.

healthy teens habits at CoreFit Training Studio
Healthy Habits

Habits formed in adolescence are far easier to sustain through adulthood. That’s why we strive to instill teenagers with an affinity for exercise that they’ll carry for decades to come.

rising teen athletes at CoreFit Training Studio

Get your teen moving

Book a free consult to see if our teen program is right for your family.

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