When it comes to strength training it’s not just the six pack abs and sculpted biceps that should get you hitting the weights (although those certainly can be a nice added bonus ????)
The benefits of incorporating strength training into your routine far outweigh the aesthetics you may be initially aiming for. Along with increasing your metabolism, strengthening your bones and improving your functional strength for day to day activities, weight training has a direct impact on your brain, stress and mental health- greatly influencing your overall well being in the best ways possible.
Read below for some of the most important reasons we promote and encourage strength training for all of our clients.
Maintains Weight–
Building muscle revs your metabolism like nothing else. You have probably heard the old adage “muscle burns fat” and that is absolutely true. Since muscle is more metabolically active (meaning it requires more energy to function) your body is expending more energy to maintain it, therefore accelerating your metabolism. Weight lifting increases your resting metabolic rate- which means that your body will continue to burn calories after your workout and even while you rest! Not only is this an effective way to drop pounds, but it will help maintain your weight over time.
Reduces the Risk of Injury-
As you age, your body will naturally lose its lean muscle mass. Utilizing weights and including resistance training helps you maintain (or build!) that muscle which will increase your bone density and protect your joints. Strong muscles support your joints which will ultimately help decrease joint pain and reduce stress throughout the body.
Strengthened muscles and core will lead to better balance and flexibility, which reduces the risk of falls and injuries.
Being able to maintain functional strength as you age is such a huge part of why we encourage the use of weights. Being able to walk, lift your kids, grandkids or pets, get up off the floor and stabilize yourself from potential falls is such a big part of helping you maintain and even improve your quality of life outside of the gym (where it counts the most!)
Reduces Stress and Anxiety–
Daily resistance training promotes brain health, improves cognitive function AND reduces stress and anxiety. Lifting weights helps regulate hormones while elevating the feel-good ones like serotonin and dopamine. Having the ability to think rationally, remain calm and regulate your emotions is a great way to improve your overall quality of life and mental health.
Making time to show up for yourself, taking care of your body and optimizing your body’s functionality builds confidence and an inner strength that cannot be replicated any other way.
While this was only a small glimpse of the health benefits, we hope it encourages you to continue lifting those weights and building your strength!
If strength training has you feeling a little intimidated and you’re unsure where to start- you have come to the right place!
Not only our each of our classes designed with intentionality and purpose, but our coaches are extremely knowledgable and ready to help offer modifications and techniques to ensure proper form and execution without injury.
Our Intro to Strength class is also the perfect option for beginners. Modeled after the format of our daily classes, we will start with the foundations of weight training- building on each week so that you feel confident and at ease joining a class and working your way around the weight room.